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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - structure


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Перевод с английского языка structure на русский

1) сооружение; конструкция 2) конструкция; устройство; схема 3) структура; строение 4) система 5) структурировать 6) форма; вид 7) эл. опора 8) базовая деталь 9) трикотажное переплетение - accordion stitch structure - acicular structure - active substrate structure - air-inflated structure - air structure - aligned structure - alignment structure - all-metal structure - angle structure - antiavalanche structure - appurtenant structure - Aran structure - arborescent structure - aromatic structure - array structure - as-hardened structure - atlas structure - atomic structure - austenitic structure - automatically erectable structure - avalanche injection structure - backbone structure - backward-wave structure - balanced atlas structure - balloon structure - band structure - barrier injection structure - base-coupled structure - basic structure - bearing structure - bearing-wall structure - benzene-like structure - bipolar diffused structure - bipolar junction structure - bird's eye backing jacquard structure - blackberry stitch structure - blister structure - block structure - block-graft structure - body structure - boundary structure - bourrelet structure - box-like space structure - braced structure - branched structure - bubble stitch structure - building structure - bulk structure - buried structure - buried-collector structure - buried-gate structure - buried-oxide MOS structure - bus-organized structure - bus structure - cable-stayed structure - cable stitch structure - camera structure - catenary suspension structure - cellular structure - chain structure - chain-packed structure - charge-coupled structure - charge injection structure - charge transfer structure - check structure - chemical structure - cholesteric structure - circus-support structure - closed structure - close-grained structure - close-packed structure - clustered structure - coagulation structure - coast-protecting structure - collector-coupled structure - columnar structure - complementary MOS structure - compliance structure - condensation structure - continuous structure - control structure - controlled eutectic structure - core support structure - course structure - crest structure - cross-armless structure - cross-linked structure - cross-miss structure - cross plating structure - cross-rope suspension structure - cross-tuck structure - crystalline structure - crystal structure - cubic structure - cutting structure - daisy-chain structure - dangerous structure - data structure - dead-end structure - debris retaining structure - deep structure - delay-line structure - dendrite structure - determinate structure - diffused-gate structure - disordered structure - docking module launch support structure - domain structure - dotted structure - double-avalanche structure - double-diffused MOS structure - double epitaxial structure - double-implanted structure - double-polysilicon structure - double-poly structure - drawing file structure - drilling bit bearing structure - drill bit bearing structure - drop structure - dropped stitch structure - duplex structure - earth structure - earthquake-proof structure - earth-retaining structure - eightlock structure - embroidery plating structure - emitter-coupled structure - energy-band structure - engineering structure - epitaxial structure - evermonte structure - exterior structure - eyelet structure - fabric structure - fabricated structure - fail-safe structure - fancy stitch structure - faulted structure - fendering structure - fibrous structure - field structure - field-interleaved structure - file structure - filiform molecule structure - filler structure - film structure - film guiding structure - film HANDLING STRUCTURE - fine structure - fine-grain structure - fire-tree structure - fish protection structure - flaky structure - flexible structure - floated-in structure - floating dock structure - floating gate MOS structure - floating gate structure - float plated structure - float plated fishnet structure - float stitch structure - flood-regulating structure - floor structure - flow-measuring structure - folded-plate structure - frame structure - framed structure - frame-like structure - French pique structure - fringe structure - full cardigan structure - full cardigan rib structure - full-jacquard structure - full tricot structure - functional structure - gate-operation structure - gel structure - geological structure - glass structure - glass-like structure - graded structure - grade separation structure - graphoepitaxial structure - gravity-depcndent structure - gravity structure - grid structure - groundwater intake structure - guard-ring structure - guide structure - hairpin structure - half-cardigan structure - half-transfer stitch structure - herringbone twill structure - heteroepitaxial structure - heterogeneous structure - heterojunction structure - H-frame structure - hierarchical structure - hierarchical sensory-control structure - highly refined structure - high-performance MOS structure - homogeneous structure - honeycomb structure - horizontal striped backing jacquard structure - hydraulic structure - hydrodynamic dissipative structure - hyperfine structure - hyperstatic structure - image structure - indeterminate structure - industrial structure - inflatable structure - ingot structure - inlay lap stitch structure - in-line structure - instruction structure - insulated gate structure - insulated substrate structure - intake structure - interdigital structure - interior structure - interlock stitch structure - ionic gating structures - ion gating structures - ion-implanted structure - ion-selective field-effect structure - isle structure - jacquard structure - jersey structure - jointlees structure - jumbo structure - junction field-effect structure - junction-isolated structure - knitted structure - knock-off lap stitch structure - lace stitch structure - ladder structure - ladderproof structure - lamellar structure - laminated structure - lateral structure - lattice structure - layer-like structure - light-trapping structure - line structure - linear structure - line-interleaved structure - line-locked structure - line-quincunx structure - linked structure - links-links structure - liquid-like structure - list structure - locknit structure - logical structure - logic structure - looped plush structure - looped tuck structure - loosely packed structure - macromolecular structure - magnetic structure - mammoth structure - manipulator erectable structure - manually erectable structure - marine structure - marquisette structure - mat structure - mesa structure - mesa strip structure - mesh structure - metal-insulator-semiconductor structure - metallized semiconductor gate structure - metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor structure - metal-nitride-semiconductor structure - metal-oxide-metal structure - metal-oxide-semiconductor structure - microgel structure - micromesh structure - Milano rib structure - mock rib structure - mode structure - modular structure - mosaic structure - moss stitch structure - multicollector structure - multiemitter structure - multilayer structure - multilevel structure - multi-microprocessor structure - multispan structure - multituck structure - n-channel structure - nematic structure - net structure - netting structure - network structure - nipple stitch structure - n-MOS structure - nonbearing structure - n-p-N STRUCTURE - nuclear structure - ocean structure - ocean thermal structure - offshore marine structure - offshore structure - open structure - open-neck structure - open-pile braced structure - open stitch structure - orbiting structure - ordered structure - orthogonal structure - orthorhombic structure - ottoman structure - overaged structure - patterned structure - pattern purl stitch structure - p-channel structure - pelerine structure - periodic structure - permanent structure - photovoltaic equipped parking and shade structure - p-i-n structure - pin tuck structure - planar structure - p-MOS structure - p-n-p structure - polycrystalline structure - polycrystal structure - ponte di Roma structure - popcorn stitch structure - portal structure - power system structure - pressurized structure - prestressed structure - primary structure - protecting structure - purification structure - purl structure - quarternary structure - queenscord structure - quenched-and-tempered structure - racked full-cardigan structure - racked half-cardigan structure - racked rib structure - rack stitch structure - random structure - reactor top structure - redundant structure - reflecting structure - regular structure - regular crystal structure - reticular structure - reversed mesa structure - reverse locknit structure - reversible jacquard structure - reversible racked rib structure - rhombic structure - rhombohedral structure - rib structure - rib-jacquard structure - rib transfer stitch structure - rigid structure - ring structure - ring-like structure - ripple stitch structure - rod-like structure - rotorcraft flight structure - rugged structure - run-resist structure - sandwich structure - satin stripe structure - Schottky-gate structure - screwdown structure - seam structure - secondary structure - segregation-free structure - selected backing jacquara structure - self-aligned gate structure - self-floating structure - self-registered gate structure - semiconductor structure - semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structure - separation structure - shaft structure - sharkskin structure - shell structure - shell stitch structure - shutter structure - silicon-on-insulator structure - silicon-on-sapphire structure - simple structure - single-crystal structure - single Lacoste structure - single-layer structure - single-level structure - single-pique structure - sinker mesh structure - skeleton structure - skin-core structure - slaty structure - slowing structure - sluiceway structure - smectic structure - soil structure - solar animal structure - solid-state structure - solid structure - space structure - spiral cloud structure - stable structure - stacked structure - star-type structure - star structure - statically determinate structure - statically indeterminate structure - stockinette structure - streaky structure - stressed-skin structure - stress-relieved structure - subgrain structure - submerged structure - submicrometer structure - substatic structure - subsurface ingot structure - superlattice structure - supporting structure - surface structure - suspension structure - Swiss pique structure - tailrace structure - tangent structure - tank supporting structure - temporary structure - terry stitch structure - tertiary structure - test structure - tetragonal structure - texipique structure - thin-slab structure - three-dimensional structure - tidal regulating structure - tied-in floats structure - torsion box structure - tower-base structure - track structure - training structure - transferred sinker stitch structure - trashrack structure - tree-type structure - tree structure - triclinic structure - trigonal structure - tuck-interlock structure - tuck purl strucTURE - tuck rib honeycomb structure - tuck ripple structure - tunnel access structure - turnout structure - twill backing jacquard structure - twin structure - twist nematic structure - two-needle overlap stitch structure - underground structure - underlying structure - unipolar structure - unstable structure - variable-gap structure - vesicular structure - V-groove MOS structure - void structure - warp knit meshes structure - water conveyance structure - water-diverting structure - waterflow retarding structure - waterfront structure - water-retaining structure - waterside structure - weft insertion structure - welt structure - woody structure - wrap embroidery structure - wrought structure
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См. в других словарях

  конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения) сооружение, здание структура мн.ч.леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкции structure beyond repair structure designed by elastic method of analysis structure designed by plastic theory structure designed on an experimental basis structure exposed to wind force structure in design stage structure in equilibrium to make the structure statically determinate structure subjected to specified loads above-grade structure air-supported structure alien structure alignment structure all-metal structure all welded steel structure amorphous structure angle structure appurtenant structure arched structure architectural structure Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures armocement structure aseismic structure atomic reactor containment structure auxiliary structure avalanche brake structure backwater structure bank protection structure beam-and-column structure block structure box structure braced structure building structure bulkhead structure cantilever structure carrying structure cased structure cast-in-situ structure cellular structure cladding structure closure structure coast-protecting structure completed structure composite structure concrete structure concrete gravity structure conjugation structure continuous structure control structure conveyance structure crest structure crib structure cross-wall structures crystalline structure dead-end structure dispersed structure dome structure drop structure earth structure earthquake-resistant structure earth-sheltered structure encased structure enclosing structures engineering structures external protection structure fish-protection structure fixed gravity structure floated-in structure floating structure flocculated structure floor structure folded structure framed structure freely supported structure free standing tower structure geological structure girder structure glass-block structure glued structure granular...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) структура 2) конструкция; устройство 3) система – bus structure – circular-type structure – combined network structure – controlled light-pipe structure – daisy chain structure – data structure – frame structure – fully-connected structure – grid-type structure – hybrid-interface structure – labeled-interface structure – linear structure – line communication structures – microcell network structure – mode structure – modular structure – multifeed structure – multimode structure – network structure – nodal structure – open structure – picture structure – planar structure – radial structure – serial structure – signal structure – star structure – static sampling structure – station communication structures – three-level multiplexing structure – user-server structure – variable structure – web structure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вид 2) конструкция 3) построение 4) сооружение 5) состав 6) строение 7) структура 8) структурировать 9) текстура 10) формация almost complex structure — почти комплексная структура bipolar insulated-gate structure — управляемая р-n-переходами структура на полевых транзисторах complex analytic structure — комплексно аналитическая структура constant of thin structure — постоянная тонкой структуры existentially complete structure — экзистенциально полная структура fine grain structure — мелкозернистая структура finitely generated structure — конечно порожденная структура fish protection structure — рыбозащитное устройство free algebraic structure — свободная алгебраическая структура gain guided structure — световодная усилительная структура game with hierarchical structure — игра с иерархической структурой homotopically invariant structure — гомотопически инвариантная структура indeterministic decision structure — недетерминированная модель принятия решений inverse image structure — структура прообраза language with paradigmatic structure — язык с парадигматической структурой local topological structure — локальная топологическая структура locally convex structure — локально выпуклая структура manifold with structure — многообразие со структурой multipath ferrite structure — разветвленный ферритовый элемент oriented differentiable structure —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. структура, устройство cost structure — структура издержек See: organization structure 2) общ. конструкция See: "advertising structure 3) общ. постройка, строение, сооружение 4) мн., общ. здания и сооружения residential structures — жилые здания и сооружения nonresidential structures investment — инвестиции в нежилые здания и сооружения 2. гл. общ. структурировать, систематизировать, упорядочивать ill-structured problem — неверно сформулированная задача Syn: organize See: "structured question STRUCTURE сущ. 1) структура 2) устройство 3) строй 4) постройка, строение 5) конструкция 6) мн. ч. здания и сооружения • - Capital Structure - age structure - asset structure of a plant - cost structure of capital - industrial structure - management structure - price structure - sectoral structure of industry - social structure - structure of capital - structure of society - tall structure STRUCTURE структура; устройство; конструкция – demographic structure – grammatical structure – language structure – market structure – mental structure – operative structure – ordered structure – rigid structure – sentence structure – social structure – three-dimentional advertising structure – word structure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  структура; строение – structure of population – age structure – antigenic structure – attention structure – cage structure – cartwheel structure – cellular structure – cloverleaf structure – complete structure – conformational structure – fibrous structure – fine structure – hairpin-like structure – helical structure – honeycomb structure – intercellular structure – kranz structure – loop-domain structure – loose structure – lowest-free-energy structure – multidomain structure – native structure – Porter's structure – primary structure – quaternary structure – secondary structure – secondary sexual structures – sheet structure – space structure – specifically folded structure – stand structure – stem-and-loop structure – submicroscopic structure – tertiary structure – three-dimensional structure – tight structure – well-defined structure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. структура molecular structure —- молекулярное строение (вещества); структура (строение) молекулы the structure of the atom —- структура атома the structure of society, social structure —- общественный строй, социальная структура the structure of a language —- строй языка complex structure —- сложная структура structure anomaly —- аномалия структуры structure factor —- структурный фактор 2. здание, сооружение, строение a stately structure —- величественное сооружение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) структура; устройство; social structure - социальный строй; the structure of a language - строй языка; the structure of a sentence - структура предложения  2) здание, сооружение, строение Syn: see form ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a whole constructed unit, esp. a building. b the way in which a building etc. is constructed (has a flimsy structure). 2 a set of interconnecting parts of any complex thing; a framework (the structure of a sentence; a new wages structure). --v.tr. give structure to; organize; frame. Derivatives structured adj. (also in comb.). structureless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF structure or L structura f. struere struct- build ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin structura, from structus, past participle of struere to heap up, build — more at strew  Date: 15th century  1. the action of building ; construction  2.  a. something (as a building) that is constructed  b. something arranged in a definite pattern of organization a rigid totalitarian ~ — J. L. Hess leaves and other plant ~s  3. manner of construction ; makeup Gothic in ~  4.  a. the arrangement of particles or parts in a substance or body soil ~ molecular ~  b. organization of parts as dominated by the general character of the whole economic ~ personality ~  c. coherent form or organization tried to give some ~ to the children's lives  5. the aggregate of elements of an entity in their relationships to each other the ~ of a language  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  II. transitive verb  (~d; structuring)  Date: circa 1693  1. to form into or according to a ~  2. construct ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (structures, structuring, structured) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The structure of something is the way in which it is made, built, or organized. The typical family structure of Freud’s patients involved two parents and two children... The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual. N-VAR: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. A structure is something that consists of parts connected together in an ordered way. The feet are highly specialised structures made up of 26 small delicate bones. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. A structure is something that has been built. About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges... = building N-COUNT 4. If you structure something, you arrange it in a careful, organized pattern or system. By structuring the course this way, we’re forced to produce something the companies think is valuable. VERB: V n 5. see also report structure ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PARTS FORMING A WHOLE« the way in which the parts of something are connected with each other and form a whole  (the structure of the brain | sentence structure) 2 »BUILDING/BRIDGE ETC« a large building, bridge etc, especially one that has many parts  (a six-story concrete structure) 3 »PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS ETC« the way in which relationships between people or groups are organized in a society or in an organization  (the power structure of world politics) 4 »ORGANIZED ACTIVITY« an activity that is carefully organized and planned  (Children need some sort of structure to their day.)  (- see also career structure career1 (1)) ~2 v to arrange the different parts of something into a pattern or system in which each part is connected to the others  (You need to structure your arguments more carefully.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1440, from L. structura "a fitting together, adjustment, building," from pp. stem of struere "to pile, build, assemble," related to strues "heap," from PIE *stere- "to spread." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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